About us

Owl & Monkey was born in the heart of the Sri Lankan jungle with the intention of bringing to you, our beloved customers, a little peace of our jungle life with every wakeful moment of your tea experience.
As young children we wander through each and every new experience with a wild sense of awe and wonderment and we wanted to capture that in our beautiful artwork that adorns our labels, gift boxes, and affirmation post cards.
So that as adults when we take moments out of our hectic 'stress filled' days, we capture a glimpse of these jungle scenes and, like in our childhood, we are drawn into a sense of delight.
The Art of Wakefulness
Each of our teas are carefully curated and blended with these three energies in mind;
Wakeful - An invitation to rest in pure awareness and joyful calm, to allow 'every experience' in a fearless way. It is the ultimate connection with the Divine and our true self.
Purity - "There is just a state of absolute purity, of stark nakedness. I forget what is gained and what is lost"
Harmony - "Be like the water and you will know what harmony is.”. A sense of harmony with the natural order of things, and not in constant conflict with it
In capturing the heart of Sri Lanka's finest tea's, and adorning these tea's with Sri Lankan grown spices and Ayurvedic herbs we are able to create a multitude of tea taste experiences that truly work to balance your dosha's.
(read more on tea and dosha's on our blog page)
Wakeful | Purity | Harmony