We all know the amazing health benefits of drinking green tea, right?
It keeps you looking young, prevents those dreaded wrinkles, it's full of antioxidants that fight just about anything, and will detox your body of all those terrible toxins. It can help you loose weight, stop you catching those winter colds, keep your heart pumping well, it can even fight off cancer cells.
And for all of that it should be blessed into our homes as if the queen were coming to visit, for it's a truly majestic leaf!
But, there's a new kid on the block (I was a huge fan as a kid!!!) and it puts her royal highness in the shadows!
This is PINK TEA, and she's bigger, more bad-ass, and way more intelligent than her sibling green tea leaf. She's also utterly beautiful and ENTIRELY natural................ (none of that added hibiscus to fake it!)

So what is PINK tea?
Well pink tea is made from the same Camellia Sinensis tea leaf as green tea and it came about purely by accident. A tea estate, fascinated with improving the drying process of tea leaves, set on a mission to improve their green tea in an attempt to further heighten its taste and health benefits.
Now, due to Pink tea being the only one of its kind to date, the manufacturing process is a tightly protected. But the difference in production occurs during the first stage of green tea manufacturing (pan frying/steaming). What was found by pure chance in changing this first stage was these tea leaves actually brewed PINK tea naturally, somewhat of a shock when they were used to producing green tea!
“But when they tasted this incredible pink tea liquor they realized quickly that they had stumbled on something completely new, for the taste was so unique”
Pop over to our post (here) on 'How to brew the perfect PINK tea'

The science behind the health benefits
The main health benefits from Green tea are the result of its very high levels of antioxidants, and the levels of antioxidants are tested in teas using ORAC analysis. ORAC stands for oxygen radical absorbance capacity which is a tea's capacity to neutralize free radicals. Free radicals are those things that build up in our body that can cause illness and disease.
A Japanese green tea will receive an ORAC value of around 1,350, whilst a Chinese white tea rates at 1,700, and Sri Lankan Green Tea comes in highest at around 2,700 units per gram.
But when the tests came back for Pink Tea no one was prepared for the results, it contained a whopping 5,800 units per gram: more than double that of Sri Lankan Green tea!
In fact it has the highest level of antioxidants compared to all other pure teas made from the camellia sinensis plant. Further extensive testing went on to support the conclusion that this new PINK tea has far more powerful health benefits than its standard Green Tea sibling.
Does it taste like Green Tea?
The simple answer is NO!
This is how we, at Owl & Monkey, describe the unique taste of our Pink Tea
"It's a wonderfully mild aroma with a fresh light flavor, setting the mood for an incredibly relaxing taste experience. Without the harsh aftertaste often associated with green teas, pink tea has a slight huskiness that settles at the back of the palate"
And it is definitely smooth and of modest spirit, allowing the delicate taste and mild bouquet of this blend to be enjoyed in its naturally pure form.
But it's VERY important that PINK tea is brewed as per the instructions, so we've put together a guide on 'How to brew the perfect pink tea'

O&M's fave ways to enjoy Pink Tea
Our customers LOVE our Pink Tea, in fact I'd go as far as saying it put us in the spotlight from the first day we started to serve it!
I remember hosting a tea party for a group of ladies who were celebrating their dear friend's birthday, and right in the corner was a table full of mature gentlemen (all the husbands!) who clearly would rather have been chatting over a bottle of whiskey rather than being served tea. We went over and offered them some tea anyway, and a few of the gentlemen graciously accepted to try the PINK tea. A few minutes later one of the gentlemen waved us over and asked "can we all have a round of pink teas please?" with a joyous smile on his face. Well by the time they left the table of gentlemen had drank 8 cups of PINK tea each, and were raving about their new tea party experience!
Because of PINK tea's mild and delicate taste we really don't like to do too much to it, so here's our top 3 ways to drink PINK tea.
Classically brewed with 2 dried rose buds popped in the tea cup just before drinking. PINK tea has to be brewed at a certain temperature to keep its unique colour and health benefits, so don't forget to pop over to our post on 'How to brew the perfect PINK tea'
Iced PINK Tea brewed in a large bottle with a few dried rose buds, a dash of vanilla and a drizzle of honey, so you can take a nice iced glass of PINK tea to cool off on hot days.
Brewed on Ice PINK Tea we like to add a teaspoon of beautiful PINK tea leaves directly on top of a glass of ice cubes and leave the ice to melt. As the ice starts to melt the leaves start to extract their most beautiful pink colour and aroma into the liquid, and you are left with a sensational shot of ice cold gorgeously pink tea. You can't over brew this method, the colour will always be phenomenal, and the health benefits at its upmost beneficial